A Little Bit of Faith

UNIQUE has been developed to help explore relationships from a faith perspective. Session material has been developed alongside UNIQUE to assist the youth worker as they engage on the topic and explore the questions regarding faith, relationships and sex.

There are a number of ways to address the topic from a faith perspective. Consider looking at old and new testament characters alongside this topic, to generate discussion, deepen biblical knowledge and affirm an individual’s faith.

Here are other examples of key scripture you could use:-

Perhaps over used.  But very helpful when allowing young people to consider how unique they are – how God has wired us all differently – he deeply cares and deeply craves relationship with us.

1 COR 6
Holiness and sexual purity.  Great passage to explore why we pursue holiness – the value of marriage – fidelity

2 PETER 1 | 3-4
God giving direction on Holy living

A woman caught in adultery – Jesus response.
Great passage to explore how  Jesus responds to a woman caught in adultery.  Reflects grace.  Asks us the question – how would we respond?

1COR 7
Marriage etc
Good passage to explore –  marriage – why upheld – singleness – divorce – create great opportunity for discussion and teaching.

Before you begin each session take time with other leaders/volunteers.

Expectations of the evening/roles/responsibilities and take time to pray together as you begin discussion etc with young people.

Wrap up the entire thing in prayer – like you do with all your programmes/projects.  That God gives you the wisdom as you seek the opportunities to engage this topic – equip young people as they live in this world and as you build the kingdom.

© 2011 Unique NI